


How to be anti-racist when visiting the Caribbean

I started writing this post so many times and ended up typing furiously away on my keys like a mad black woman. This post always makes me drag up things I’d rather not remember, which then leads to anger and frustration and my anxiety level rising. Ain’t nobody got time for that. So, I end up slamming my laptop shut and going about my day, trying to forget all about my terrible experiences at the hands of clueless white people everywhere. But this is not the message I want to convey. I am not that forever-mad-at-the-world person. I believe in educating. So, I present to thee attempt number 4 at writing this piece without letting the anger and frustration get the best of me. Although I have done a Do and Don’ts about the Caribbean before (click here to read it again) this one is similar yet slightly different. This…

Tips for Tourism Promotion Campaigns in the Caribbean amid a Pandemic by 9 Caribbean travel bloggers, writers and influencers

Without as much as a warning the world has come to what seems to be a complete stand still. One minute we are making travel plans for the future and the next we find ourselves stuck at home making dance videos on Tik Tok, lip synching to lyrics like “bored in the house, in the house bored”.

The Coronavirus pandemic has touched us all and no industry seems to have been harder hit than the travel industry. Planes have been grounded and the sky is eerily quiet without the constant sound of jet engines flying over. Cruise ships are sailing around empty, without a next port of call and hotels and resorts have sent their employees home in an attempt to save their empires.

Unemployment rates sky rocket, the have-nots go from having very little to having nothing and those in the tourism industry find themselves in unchartered waters. After all, tourism and travel go hand in hand. Without travel, there isn’t much tourism. This is something the Caribbean islands are all too familiar with and this pandemic has gotten tourist boards all over the Caribbean scratching their heads, asking the same question: Now what?